Body Fitness


Practice makes perfection.Always a good trainer will teach you what to do and how to do to achieve a desired result.Body Fitness could also be achieved with the help of a good trainer. Weight loss is an important factor for many persons in the modern world.

Extreme Makeover is an American reality television series which premiered on ABC.This features a celebrity trainer helping very overweight individuals reach their weight loss goals. The Weight loss edition of the makeover show had become extremely popular in the United States. The trainer was Chris Powell whose charisma and enthusiasm was very much appreciated.

Sara is only 4’5” height. She was a nutrition speaker. By the time she was 37 years old, she weighed over 91 Kg. When she joined the Extreme Makeover programme, her first challenge was to climb the stairs of an amphitheater holding a 36 Kg weight.The staris came up past her kness. But she did not complain once. She kept going. By the time she reached the last step, the crowd cheered for her.

She followed her trainer’s instructions. At the end of the training session, she succeeded in loosing more than half of her body weight and becoming a runner, like she had always dreamed.One more case! Chantell Johnson from Illinois shed a staggering 72 Kg – the fighting weight of champion boxer Marvellous Marving Hageler – in just a year.

When she was picked by Extreme Makeover trainer Chris Powell, She weighed in at a hefty148.3kg.Miss Johnson agreed to follow the trainer’s strict and arduous exercise programme and at the 90th day, she shed a whopping 41Kg. She went to Paris to continue her studies. There she had lost a further 15.4 Kg. And at the nine-month weifh in it emerged that she has lost a total of 70.3Kg.

This made her eligible for skin removal surgery.She even ran 26.2 miles – a full marathon on her own through the streets of the French Capital.At the end it was found while she unveiled her new body in front of her family and friends, she had lost a total of 72 Kg.Miss Johnson wrote that she wanted two things. The legs of Serena Williams and the arms of Robin Roberts.

“Every exercise associated with achieving said results are painful. Lunges,Push-ups and burpees were originally created to break down new recruits (military) in under 48 hours.“My trainer achieves the same fear and obedience in the warm-up phase of our sessions. The reason I mention all of the facts above is because several people want to know my secret to success.

The answer is – Hours of hard work…. Everyday.The power of training is amazing. Following the advise strictly, one could achieve whatever she/he wants.


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